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Delaying failures

Delaying failures

I am anxious to go the wrong way and that everyone is sorry for me. I want to be exciting, I would like to suffocate to never be told the truth.

I'm so sad that I almost do not recognize faces that share a little of their emotion. There are certain times of the day when I do not even remember the people waiting for me at home ...
I would like to have time not to hide all the problems that I have, and it is because I am delaying the failure I will be in life.

And being realistic is my worst problem.

I would like to repress my mistakes as much as I am today

Sadly I can not see that they give me an excessive affection that does not free me from anything and that I do not even have to pay for them. And it's because there's no price for me to say my love. Because I repeat it almost inexistently in front of anyone.

And how can I be so indifferent to those people who give me so much love and always so aware of those who share their great cold?
I will gather my rewards and my complex wounds, even though my body can no longer keep all that weight. And it's because I always take it as possible that I always forget the poison that fucks me from within. Sometimes I am filled with uncomfortable joys, which are nothing more than customs designed for oneself.

I am simply modest in not bragging that I spend hours and hours in being a useless person who spends his time watching indecisive evils.

Who repeats to me that I am the best thing of its life and of the surprising thing that was to collect to me?
It confuses me and frustrates me that I can not distinguish that I am only to fit badly and have a bad death.

Luckily I have spent my time in not making fun of my confidence, because I do not fight for myself anymore, because I no longer find any sense in the faults that never come from me or from them. Nobody dares to shut up and make me see that I have a few years to live beautiful.

I wish I could think of myself and not stay in anything, or at least move me so that my loneliness slowly learns to love me with reluctance.


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Información sobre el autor - Rodrigo Fernety

 Rodrigo Fernety es un joven escritor de 25 años, nacido en Lima, Perú. Él estudió la carrera de Psicología del Consumidor en la importante Universidad ESAN (Lima, Perú) y actualmente es bachiller en dicha casa de estudios.  A la edad de 15 años, decidió introducirse en el mundo de la literatura y la escritura, como parte de un proyecto personal. Con todos los acontecimientos de la época (2013), decidió escribir su primer libro "Listo para el arrepentimiento", que fue su primer trabajo como autor independiente.  Ahora él está muy activo en redes sociales y publica contenido de sus trabajos regularmente. Además de estar siempre trabajando en un nuevo proyecto cada 2 años.  

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